Not much more demolition occurring, unless you call jackhammering out our concrete slab in the basement demolition.
The picture isn't that good, but they had to jackhammer out for all the plumbing for the new bath in the basement. Its pretty crazy, there is nothing but clay under there.
They've begun the wiring and roughing in of all the light fixtures. Not very picture-worthy, but exciting.
I'm beggining the process of ordering a studio door. Check out the "custom steel" door on this page: http://www.acousticalsolutions.com/products/doors/doors.asp
Also, we're planning out the kitchen cabinetry using Ikea's kitchen planner tool. It works great and generates a parts list to purchase very simply. Nice going Ikea, help me spend my money :)
The bathroom upstairs (oh yes, we're getting that done too) is gutted....
More later
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